Autobiography of a yogi hardcover journals
Autobiography of a yogi - with pictures
Named one of the Best Spiritual Books of the Twentieth Century, Paramahansa Yogananda’s remarkable life story takes you on an /5.
Autobiography of a yogi 1946 edition
The value of Yogananda's AUTOBIOGRAPHY is greatly enhanced by the fact that it is one of the few books in English about the wise men of India which has been written, not by a journalist or foreigner, but by one of their own race and training--in short, a book about yogis by a yogi.
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One book in particular stayed with Steve Jobs his entire life, Autobiography of a Yogi 'the guide to meditation and spirituality that he had first read as a teenager, then re-read in India and had read once a year ever since.' --Huffington Post, review of Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs Fabulous stories from his life keep the reader inspired, informed, and thoroughly entertained.
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A photograph published in Autobiography of a Yogi, showing Yogananda attending a religious congress upon his arrival in the United States.