Ikalawang triumvirate lepidus biography

Second triumvirate map

Marcus Aemilius Lepidus was a Roman general and statesman who formed the Second Triumvirate alongside Octavian and Mark Antony during the final years of the Roman Republic.
ikalawang triumvirate lepidus biography

Second triumvirate

Lepidus was one of those men who have no decided character, and who are incapable of committing great crimes for the same reason that they are incapable of performing any noble .

How did lepidus die

Lepidus - The Tarnished Triumvir outlines in vivid detail what Lepidus' social, political and personal lives were like.
Third triumvirate
The most significant monograph on Lepidus is that by R.D. Weigel, Lepidus: The Tarnished Triumvir , who ofers a good starting point from which research can be continued.