Te ua haumene biography examples
Pōtatau te wherowhero quotes
Te Ua Haumēne was influenced by Christian missionaries following his capture by Waikato Māori in He was taught to read and write in Māori and became familiar with the New .
Te whiti o rongomai family tree
TE UA HAUMENE, or HOROPAPERA, the founder of the Pai-marire religion, belonged to the Taranaki tribe.
Titokowaru family tree
Ko Te Ua Haumēne te kaihanga me te poropiti o te whakapono Hauhau, ko te tohu tuatahi tēnei o te waihangatanga i huri ai ki te hāhi Karaitiana Māori motuhake.
Hauhau religion
The movement was founded by Te Ua Haumene, a Maori prophet who had been captured in his youth and converted to Christianity before his release.