Teologi sistematica louis berkhof biography

Systematic theology pdf

Louis Berkhof (13 October – 18 May ) was a Dutch-American Reformed theologian whose works on systematic theology have been influential in seminaries and Bible colleges in the United States, Canada, Korea and with individual Christians in general throughout the 20th century.
teologi sistematica louis berkhof biography

Teologi sistematika pdf

Grand Rapids, Michigan August 1, About The Author LouisBerkhof().

Systematic theology book

For most of its history under the title Systematic Theology, Professor Berkhof's work has appeared as a theological system without introduction or prolegomenon.
10 doctrines of systematic theology
Considered one of the classics on Systematic Theology, the book covers all the basics on the reality of God, the atonement of Christ and the final state of man and the last things.