Vivian maier born

When did vivian maier take photos

Vivian Dorothy Maier (February 1, 1926 – April 21, 2009) was an American street photographer whose work was discovered and recognized after her death.
vivian maier born

Vivian maier photography style

Read more below to learn about Vivian Maier’s biography and most renowned photos!

Where did vivian maier live

Born in New York City in 1926, Maier grew up mostly in France, where she began experimenting with a Kodak Brownie, an affordable early camera designed for amateurs.

Vivian maier famous photos
Vivian Dorothea Maier (American, born February 1, 1926—died April 21, 2009) was a street photographer, known for her images of the people and cityscapes of New York and Chicago.